How To Keep Your Stainless Steel Shining

Published On: August 19, 2016Categories: Plumbing


Stainless steel is one of the most popular finishes for home appliances currently. Stainless steel is a great way to give an older room a newer look. It is sleek, shiny, and trendy and looks great in many homes. Stainless steel is wonderful, however keeping it clean and shiny can sometimes be a challenge. One of the downsides of stainless steel is the fact that it shows every fingerprint and every mark. Do you have a lot of fingerprints on your stainless steel? Do not fret! Follow these easy tips and your stainless steel will be looking as shiny as ever.

There are multiple approaches to cleaning stainless steel. While there are specific items that you can purchase to clean your stainless steel, you can also use common household items. An easy cleaning method is using dish soap and baby oil with a damp, soft rag on your stainless steel. Be sure to wipe along the grain on the appliances. You will notice the grain going either vertical or horizontal. After wiping down the appliance, you can use a dry rag to wipe off any leftover residue.

Another simple method that only requires household items is using an oil and vinegar solution on your appliances. Spray the stainless steel with white vinegar and then wipe the vinegar with a cloth Once again, make sure that you wipe along the direction of the grain. Then, dip a soft cloth in olive oil and polish the appliance.

These household techniques are easy and take a very small amount an effort. Clean off your stainless steel today and don’t forget to call The Waterworks for any of your plumbing needs.

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