Eco-Friendly Cleaners

Homemade Eco-Friendly Household Cleaners

Published On: April 25, 2017Categories: Plumbing

Cleaning products are one of the first places homeowners can look to when eliminating toxins and chemicals from their households. Instead of using harmful cleaning products linked to thyroid damage, water pollution and the emergence of drug-resistant superbugs like MRSA, kill germs with simple products that are environmentally friendly and inexpensive.

Tile Cleaner

Tile is usually the type of flooring in the places in your home with the most germs, like your kitchen and bathroom. Conventional tile cleaners have several contaminants such as chemicals linked to cancer, reproductive damage, and hormonal harm. If you want to clean greener, it is best to make your scrubbing paste.

½ cup baking soda
Liquid soap
5 to 10 drops of pure essential oil of lavender, rosemary or tea tree oil

You should place the baking soda in a bowl and slowly pour in the liquid soap. Stir until the mixture looks like a frosting and then add in the essential oils. Scoop your now homemade tile cleaner onto a sponge, scrub and rinse. In addition to this, you can also cut a lemon in half to use that as a scrubber.

Oven Cleaner

Polluting your indoor air with store-bought oven cleaner harsh ingredients can be dangerous for your entire family. If you want to clean your oven in a way that is considered environmentally friendly, This recipe works just as well as any of the store-bought cleaners, but is better for your family and the environment!

2 cups hot water
1 tablespoon natural dish soap
1 teaspoon borax

Mix all of these ingredients together and then spray the mixture on a spill. Allow for your homemade cleaner to settle into the spill for 20 minutes and then wipe it away with a clean cloth. When handling a mess that would be considered extra-greasy mess, wipe off as much loose, greasy goop as possible with a crumbled newspaper and then spray the mess.

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